Rock The Street, Wall Street

Financial Education

Grade Levels: 9-12

Rock The Street, Wall Street is a financial and investment literacy program designed to spark the interest of a diverse population of high school girls into careers of finance.

Girls learn about savings and investment, budgeting, the capital markets and their role in maintaining the welfare of their families and the economy, while simultaneously helping them see the real world application of the math content they learn in the classroom. RTSWS lifts girls' interest and ability to persist in the STEM field of Finance.

Our goal is to create a society where women are financially literate, independent and equally represented in the field of finance, all the way up to the C-suites. If we change who we invest in, we change what we invest in.


Female financial professionals lead classroom workshops including hands-on financial math projects on money management and more during the five-week program. Our cutting-edge, open-sourced curriculum rips from the headlines, discusses public policy, economic policy, and stock and bond markets. Workshops cover topics including but not limited to student loan debt, auto financing, stock portfolio composition and performance, and interest rates.

The field trip is a capstone experience whereby students are given a rare glimpse into local corporate office settings, workplaces and work lives of financiers.
The experience allows the students to shadow female treasury officers, wealth managers, comptrollers, analysts, traders, entrepreneurs, and more. For many
of our students, this is their first glimpse into the world of applied math and finance, opening their eyes to a new world of possibilities. This is a critical part of the year-long program as many high school girls self-select out of finance and economics before even getting to college. By taking them on a trip where they see women whom they have come to know personally, working in highly skilled positions at financial institutions, we show our girls a glimpse into their own potential future. If they can see it, they can be it.

Students are matched with mentors who help them identify, and then emphasize individual strengths, discuss college and career preparation, and further develop positive money management habits. For those not continuing onto college, they explore post-secondary job opportunities, internships, and career requirements (certification or licensure). Through personal example, explanation, and tours of financial firms, our mentors provide students with up-close information about personal finance best practices and work-life issues in the financial profession. Mentors also help interpret the students' career and strengths assessment which identifies their unique set of natural talents to maximize their potential. This pairing also provides an early social capital for girls to network with women in business.

4. INTERNSHIP AND JOB PORTAL (Accessible throughout the program)
Internship/JobPortal is a resource for students, alumnae and companies. RTSWS students are welcome to browse and apply for internships and job opportunities in finance, economics
and related fields that have been posed by many of our sponsors, some of whom are Fortune 500 companies such as JP Morgan Chase, BlackRock, State Farm Insurance and more.

  • Curricular enrichment provider
  • Experiential Learning (Classroom)
Financial Education Core Areas
  • Investing
  • Credit
  • Economic Concepts
  • Money Management
  • Banking


3401 Mallory Lane
Chicago, TN 37067


Maura Cunningham
Founder & CEO

Katherine Reynolds
Program and Logistics Coordinator