Chicago Public Schools is fortunate to have a rich array of local and national partners and adult-allies committed to elevating youth voice, promote youth engagement, and values youth perspective. A critical component of the Civic Life vision is that all students' learning and leadership development is enriched through meaningful and authentic connections to adult allies, especially those in their local communities.
In order to leverage partnerships and achieve this vision, the Department of Social Science and Civic Engagement has set a strategic vision to: create systems and structures that help more schools find partners that will support their vision and goals; clearly and collaboratively articulate quality standards for all; support partners in finding meaningful pathways to improve their relationships with teachers and schools; and develop and share measurement and evaluation tools that help us all better meet students needs, and center student voice.
Our partner directory and community partnerships map will be updated regularly and we welcome your ideas and feedback. Below you can learn more about our partners, how to become a partner, and how to find partners for your classroom or school.
DSVE Community Partners
DSVE Community Partners are nationally and locally recognized civic life leaders, professionals, community-based organizations, advocacy/social justice groups, government officials, non-profits, researchers, universities, and more from across the city and nation that serve as curriculum enrichment providers, professional development leaders, and experiential learning providers (i.e classroom guest speakers, out-of-school time clubs, student leadership engagement).
Civic life is core part of not just our department’s mission but it is defined in CPS’s mission.
Our community partners are actively living out civic life through the Seven Powerful Practices. These practices shape the way we work together in every classroom, every school, and across the district and help us as a society realize our collective commitment to civic life.
Become A Partner
Now that you know what types of partnerships our department works with, take the next step and Become A Partner!
Visit the Partner Directory
The Partner Directory helps CPS educators identify and connect to community partners that align to the Civic Life Vision.
Strategic Partnerships
SSCE works closely with local and national organizations and institutions that are uniquely aligned in vision and values. These partnerships are developed to advance powerful instruction and student voice and engagement at scale. Learn more about these strategic partnerships, and what we are learning together.