Dever Elementary School

Dever Elementary School

3rd - 5th Graders After-School Inquiry to Action Club

How can we work together to keep Dever cleaner?

Stage 1: Understand the Question & Ground the Inquiry

The students brainstormed what they loved about their school, then they discussed areas that needed improvement. The facilitators then prompted the students to develop questions based off of their findings.

They grouped ideas together and created three questions that were then turned into one question: How do we keep Dever clean? Students went around the school to observe the problems that were addressed. While they were observing, they wrote down their observations and brought it back to the group for discussion.

Stage 2: Research, Analyze, and Assess

Students created a Google Form that was sent to all grades 3-8 students with questions around how they viewed the school's cleanliness.

Stage 3: Communicate Conclusions and Take Action

Once the students received the results they looked at the results of how to address the needs. The students loved receiving feedback from their peers. The second step was making posters to put into the bathrooms and lunchroom reminding students to clean up after themselves. The students were able to show their artistic abilities and loved the idea of seeing their work in the school.